Our goal is to create an event that allows the people you love to gather and rejoice one last time as a special community which was founded by you.

While each Living Farewell is tailored to authentically reflect the person being celebrated, there are some common themes that we can draw on so that the environment is balanced both aesthetically and energetically.

Common Living Farewell Themes:

  • Reflective

    A soothing atmosphere which may include candlelight, incense and a guided group meditation to help set the tone and open up space for sharing. Calm and soothing, consider adding an element of reflection with a legacy project that can bring the group together in a memorable way. Oftentimes, a reflective farewell will close with a singing bowl sound healing and a collective mindset of peace and wellbeing.

  • Bedside vigil, bedside care, die at home, home death


    Sometimes a Living Farewell needs to happen at the bedside and larger gatherings are just not going to work. We can help you coordinate the visitation schedule and create an environment that is loving and comfortable for all. A bedside farewell can take place at home or in hospice care, and video chat is an option for those who are unable to attend in person.

  • end of life party, living funeral, funeral party, death party


    All of our Living Farewells have an element of joy, but sometimes laughter and funny stories are the priority at a goodbye party. With respectful planning, we can help you create a Living Farewell that is brimming with fun while encouraging authentic conversation and connection with your loved ones. From a disco themed dance party to a bonfire on the beach, whatever brings you joy can be layered into the farewell for an authentic and loving way to say goodbye.

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